Tuesday 31 May 2016

Teaching in China.

One art lesson - check.
One science - check. 
A lecture on English education with a Q&A session to a room full of teachers and members of the bureau - check.
If only OFSTED had been in.... Because they all went very well! The teachers here enjoyed the creative style of our science and art lessons and have decided to try and lengthen their afternoon sessions to allow more practical activities! We made our mark by displaying children's work on the walls. One boy was so excited to see his work he stood by it for 15 minutes!
The teachers were very keen to learn about English education and asked many questions about lessons, behaviour and our daily routines. After school we walked through the halls and saw posters full of photos from when the children visited Padiham Green. Mr Wright, Mrs Mellor, Mr Dixon and Mrs De'Ath are all famous in Qingdao.
Next we are being taught how to make dumplings by the school cooks. We can't wait! Each day we have had a school dinner which has been delicious. Today was my favourite prawns. They were still in their shell which frightened Mrs Gardiner but I loved them!
Love to all at home xx

1 comment:

  1. Well done on all your inputs. Sounds like you've done us proud. What an amazing experience! I can't believe you're doing what you're doing! I'm so glad you've been welcomed so brilliantly too. Please pass on my thanks to the headteacher and all the staff (and the lovely Heather). Carry on enjoying it all. X
